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Are Wholesale Child Resistant Bags the Best Option for My Business?



If your business produces a product that needs to be stored in packaging, you are probably aware that there is a dizzying variety of packaging options to choose from. Rigid plastics, boxes, bags, and other types of packaging all have benefits and downsides that business owners need to carefully consider. Recently, however, flexible, child-resistant custom mylar pouches have emerged as a leading packaging material that offers advantages with regard to environmental impact, marketing, shelf life, and other critical areas.

In order to determine whether flexible mylar packages are right for you, consider the main areas in which flexible packages carry considerable advantages over other more traditional packaging types:

1. Sustainability

Consumers are more concerned than ever before about the impact their purchasing decisions have on the environment. Custom flexible packaging takes up significantly less space than other packaging types. While this helps to ease worldwide pressures on landfills, other sustainable options further boost flexible packaging’s environmental footprint. By using recyclable, recycled post-consumer, and compostable films, business owners can step up as part of the solution to global pollution and waste.

2. Extended Shelf Life

Food waste is a major environmental concern, and premature spoilage can result in disappointment or even risk to consumers. Many business owners store their products in packaging that is not resealable, resulting in unnecessary waste and risk. Flexible packaging is not only resealable but also completely airtight prior to opening, eliminating the threat of spoilage by air infiltration. Flexible pouches are also odor- and moisture-resistant, so the products they contain stay fresh without attracting mischievous pets or other unwanted pests.

3. Safe, Childproof Packaging

Unlike less versatile packaging, mylar bags can be equipped with third-party-tested childproof zippers and come in a variety of other materials and structures to satisfy your individual needs and concerns. While wholesale child resistant bags are difficult for young children to open, they are easy enough for adults to use that they won’t deter potential customers.

4. Custom Print Options

Professional-looking packaging is often the difference between a consumer buying a product and choosing a competitor instead. Fortunately, it is easy to digitally print custom, high-definition images on flexible packaging. If you require changes to your design to be made on-the-fly, this can be done by simply changing the PDF on file for your product. If you are unsure whether your custom design is working as intended, you can always contact a flexible packaging expert for help.

Whether your company is just getting started, or you are simply thinking about changing the packaging that you keep your product in, you should weigh the costs and benefits of your packaging choices. Custom mylar pouches are a significant advancement over other packaging types for a wide range of markets, including organics, supplements, home and garden, processed meats, confections and others. Because consumers are becoming increasingly aware of environmental, social and health implications of their purchases, you should make sure that you are up-to-date with your consumers’ choices by using packaging that is low-impact, safe and customizable to your needs.


I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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