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Business Beans: How To Make The Ultimate Cup Of Office Coffee



If you’re a coffee connoisseur and haven’t managed to perfect a coffee in the office, you are likely looking to figure out how you can translate your skill and love into a cup of Joe. Here are some quick tips you can implement right away to establish a better coffee vibe and greater taste at work. Let’s get into it!

Quality coffee supplies for the office

You can’t expect to make great coffee if you don’t have the right tools, so you want to do some research on what are the best coffee supplies for the office. Anything that is made from quality materials like ceramic and metal is going to be a great place to start, and it’s great to look at the brands that are known for their coffee too.

It can be easy to get swept up in all the coffee paraphernalia out there – and there really is a lot! Just keep yourself accountable for the tools and coffee equipment that you need to make a great work coffee. Everything else is just a bonus that your office can acquire as needed.

Organise coffee-making classes for the office

Learning how to make coffee is a universal skill and one that everyone should learn if they are given the chance. Try and find some affordable and local coffee-making classes, and encourage your peers to sign up and sharpen their coffee skills! These classes will cover the basics, like how to steam milk and pack coffee into a press. You will also learn the huge and subtle differences between coffee types, and you might even learn which coffee you love most.

Fostering a coffee culture at your work is a great way to bond over something you have shared together, and you may be able to pass on tips and experiences so that everyone becomes competent baristas sooner.

Understand what your coffee machine can do

We are so quick to dismiss a user manual, thinking we can just figure it out as we go. How often does this work out? Before you start using your office coffee machine and rule it out as unacceptable, or rule it in as the best – read the manual and get a sense of what can and cannot be achieved with the model. This is a big step in the direction of a better coffee, and you might find that the things you don’t like about the machine can easily be explained and rectified with the right technique.

You might also choose to photocopy the coffee machine manual and have it laminated near the coffee station. It might seem like overkill but it will keep everyone accountable and might stop any unnecessary machine malfunctions.

An inviting cafe-style environment

Is your small coffee machine hard to spot in the blur of corporate items and agendas? If it is, then it might be time to create a cafe-style environment that you can share with your team. All you need is a station for people to make coffee, chat, sit and enjoy their coffee of choice. This will signal to your colleagues that you value their productivity and care about how they spend their day, both work time and downtime. You will also find that this environment fosters collaboration!

Not sure where to start with cafe-style decor? Start small and build from there, and maybe even create a coffee committee to take on this project so that they can work on a concept that is for everyone. The last thing you want to do is to miss the point and have an area that no one spends time in.

Great beans

Choosing the cheapest beans or the beans that come with a great subscription might be tempting… but there are better metrics to be benchmarking your coffee against. Great tasting coffee beans are going to make all the difference, and you don’t have to look too hard to find them. Make note of all the cafes you like and see what coffee they use, and get some prices on those beans. Don’t fall into the trap of getting a bargain coffee machine that comes with a mandatory bean purchase each month. Your colleagues are not going to appreciate the bad beans and will set out in search of better options nearby. We suspect that buying a machine and beans that no one wants to use is more expensive in the long run!


All these factors contribute to a great tasting coffee! If you don’t feel confident in making these decisions for the office, then find the coffee snob in your team and have them help you make the right decisions. When you get this right, you will find you have a happier workplace on your hands, and you might even get some early risers heading straight to the office and ready for work earlier.


I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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