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Need Extra Money? Try Shiftsmart!



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Being in control of your finances can transform your life, and Shiftsmart allows you to earn extra money when you need it. Whether you’re between jobs or you want to earn extra cash, innovative platforms like Shiftsmart put you back in control and give you the opportunity to boost your income.

Join the Flexible Labor Workforce

Technology has changed the way the world operates, and labor is more flexible than ever and, this is more than just good news for businesses and employers. Workers can now benefit in several ways by becoming part of a flexible labor workforce. When you can pick up shifts of your choice, that’s a big deal. You have the flexibility to focus on expanding your core skill set and developing your talents to optimize your future career.

Create a Custom Schedule

The flexibility the gig economy provides means you can create a custom schedule at a moment’s notice and fit your work into any existing commitments you have. For working parents, being able to choose when you work ensures you can schedule your professional life around the things you need and want to do for your family. Students can secure extra shifts around their classes. Part-time workers can take on more jobs to earn extra cash.

Fast Invoice Turnaround Times

When you’re earning cash on the side, you don’t want to have to wait weeks or months to get paid. Shiftsmart enables you to receive payments quickly and issue invoices from one user-friendly portal. With next-day payments, you can get paid within hours of completing a shift.

Supplement Your Income

Over the past 18 months, the job market has been particularly precarious. With businesses laying off staff and reducing employee hours due to COVID-19 lockdowns, millions of people have lost some or even all of their income. However, you don’t have to worry about your finances any longer.

When you can grab extra work on the fly, you can supplement your income. If you’re limited to reduced hours at your regular job, you can choose to work extra shifts for businesses that are looking for workers with your skills and experience.

Become a Micro-Entrepreneur and Optimize Your Income Now

Whatever skills you have, you can be sure that there are employers out there who need them. By connecting directly via Shiftsmart, you can expand your professional network, pick up extra work, and supplement your income.


I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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