30 Elliott Hulse Quotes That Will Motivate You

Elliott Hulse is a professional strongman and strength coach. He has a popular YouTube channel called Elliot Hulse’s Strength Camp with millions of subscribers. There is another channel he runs which serves as a workout blog for those who want to get in shape. He was the MVP of his football team at St. Johns University. Hulse received a full scholarship to play at the school.
Hulse’s channel has received over 330 million views since it started. He has three younger siblings, and he credits his uncle with inspiring him to get into bodybuilding. He is currently married to a woman named Colleen, and they have four children together.
His YouTube channel was named as one of the best for health and fitness on Ryan Seacrest’s website. He has built a very successful gym and online business that sells fitness equipment as well as books to help those who are interested in bodybuilding.
Elliott Hulse Quotes
1. “It’s not about what you get. It’s about who you’re becoming.” – Elliott Hulse
2. “Do the thing that your heart is asking you to do regardless of the external circumstances.” – Elliott Hulse
3. “Failure is only failure when you quit. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, allow failure to be the way you test new ground, where you can learn what it is that you don’t want. Failure can bring you great clarity if you allow it to.” – Elliott Hulse
4. “Crawling is acceptable. Falling is acceptable. Puking is acceptable. Tears are acceptable. Pain is acceptable. Injury is acceptable. Quitting is unacceptable.” – Elliott Hulse
5. “Train Like an Athlete, Eat Like a Bodybuilder.” – Elliott Hulse
6. “Stop looking to authorities, universities, religion or governments to tell you who you are, what you’re capable of, or where you belong. YOU are the king of the kingdom inside.” – Elliott Hulse
7. “Successful people don’t make the right decisions, they make their decisions right.” – Elliott Hulse
8. “Love it for what it is because if you didn’t fail you would never be able to appreciate success” – Elliott Hulse
9. “Don’t be like the man who kills himself in the winter because its so cold, not knowing spring is just around the corner.” – Elliott Hulse
10. “No pain, no gain. It’s an old saying but there is a lot of truth in it. Instinctively as humans, we try to avoid pain. But if you truly want to be great, if you want to create the life of your dreams, you need to get used to being in pain.” – Elliott Hulse
11. “Failure is an experience that lends wisdom, and ultimately makes you stronger.” – Elliott Hulse
12. “Know yourself, accept your limitations, maximize your strengths and inspire others.” – Elliott Hulse
13. “Focus your energy on one goal, work at it, and you will find great success.” – Elliott Hulse
14. “Courage is what you will experience and what you will grow, when the doubt is there but you do it anyway.” – Elliott Hulse
15. “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ quirky, quirky and weird. A lot of people don’t realize what it takes to be the best. The best means you’ve given up a lot of normalcy.” – Elliott Hulse
16. “Don’t hold back on becoming the person you truly want to be. Drop the excuses, leave them at the door and step into your strongest self. There is no reason that you cannot achieve your dreams, except the story you tell yourself that you can’t.” – Elliott Hulse
17. “Exercise, dance, deep breathing and movement not only enliven the body, it energizes and mobilizes the spirit and sharpens the mind. Keep moving!” – Elliott Hulse
18. “I believe that there is a strongest version of every human being… it is my mission to uncover it in myself and inspire you to discover yours.” – Elliott Hulse
19. “There’s more to getting strong than lifting heavy weights.” – Elliott Hulse
20. “Don’t be afraid to jump in the deep end of life. Take risks, and be brave. Get excited about doing the things that scare you. We all have the capacity to be courageous. In the end, all you need to do is follow your heart.” – Elliott Hulse
21. “Successful people do what they have to do whether they feel like it or not.” – Elliott Hulse
22. “Your best bet in life is to follow your heart” – Elliott Hulse
23. “It’s very easy to manipulate people when all you give them is information. But when you teach people to start trusting their bodies, they become dangerous. Be dangerous.” – Elliott Hulse
24. “Subjectively. I have never liked anyone telling me what to do. I would rather screw up completely, fall flat on my face and knock out all my teeth making my mistakes, then someone else telling me what to do. The dependency that we as individuals have come to embrace is dysfunctional, and you end up having individuals who are not fulfilling their human potential, and they become a drain on those who actually are.” – Elliott Hulse
25. “Every time I ignored my gut I made the biggest mistakes.” – Elliott Hulse
26. “Don’t make excuses. Develop a warrior mindset. Make decisions and stick to them. You can start simply, by focusing on something small, but you must start and you must follow through.” – Elliott Hulse
27. “We create the world we live in by the thoughts in our mind. If you think negatively, you will attract negative things, situations and people. You have the power to choose which thoughts you allow to take up residence for a period of time in your mind. Make them positive ones.” – Elliott Hulse
28. “All of our challenges are also challenges for other people. We go through shit so we can show other people that you can get through shit.” – Elliott Hulse
29. “When you discover that all the challenges in your life are just like the plates on the barbell… you not only learn to accept these challenges, but you beg for them.” – Elliott Hulse
30. “Begin the process and then ride the wave” – Elliott Hulse