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4 Natural Pain Relief Methods You Can Try at Home



Opioids are one way to manage pain, and US pharmacies currently fill 153 million opioid prescriptions every year.

However, opioids also come with a high risk of side effects, addiction, abuse, and death. As awareness of the opioid crisis increases, people are searching for alternative methods to manage pain.

Fortunately, there are several natural pain relief options for you to try at home. These methods come without any of the above risks or side effects; you can have peace of mind that you won’t damage your body.

Read on to find out more about natural pain relief methods.

1. Breathing Exercises

You may be cynical about the first of our natural pain relief ideas, but give it a chance. The way you breathe is a critical factor in determining how the central nervous system operates.

Every in-breath activates the sympathetic nervous system (stimulatory). Every out-breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system (depressant).

If you’re in pain, focus on deep breathing and focus on increasing the length of your exhales. The guided deep breathing exercises from have been shown to be beneficial for lung function.

2. Hot or Cold Therapy

Depending on what type of pain you’re feeling, hot or cold therapy may be an incredibly effective alternative pain relief option. Try heat patches, hot drinks, ice packs, cool packs, and hot or cold baths.

Listen to your intuition and see what feels good. Most types of pain can be reduced by either heat or cooling elements.

3. Plant-Based Therapies

Plants have stood the test of time when it comes to natural remedies for pain relief. Remember, plants were the original medicine and have legitimate benefits.

You can try Chinese herbs, CBD, or THC-based products. Check out for reliable THC services. They have a dedicated section on products for managing symptoms.

However, some plants interact with other medications or conditions, so don’t be complacent. Ensure you live in an area this is legal, and check with your healthcare provider before embarking on a plant-based pain relief mission.

4. Acceptance

Finally, if you’re still in pain, try altering your mindset. It’s easy to get emotional about the fact you’re in pain. However, acceptance is one of the most viable best alternative pain relief options.

Remind yourself, “I am in pain; pain is temporary; it will pass; I am okay.” Repeat these mantras to yourself and focus on accepting your pain.

Although this won’t necessarily reduce your pain, it will make the experience easier to handle.

Natural Pain Relief: An Excellent Option for You

Next time you’re in pain, try some of these techniques before reaching for pharmaceuticals. They’re more effective than you may think (and if they don’t work, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a painkiller too).

Natural pain relief will help you stay healthy, free-from addiction, and prevent any adverse side effects – why not give it a try?

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I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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