6 Top Motivational Speakers You Should Listen To Guide You Towards Adulting

Life is hard as it is, but adulting makes it all the more complicated – which is why listening to the top motivational speakers on this topic can prove to be helpful. Gone are the days when being an adult was best defined by your age. Now, young twenty-somethings measure adulthood by action and milestones. These often include being financially independent, knowing how to open a bank account, or living on your own.
Responsibility sometimes takes a learning curve, and because of this, some universities even offer classes on adulting. The beauty of the internet, however, is that all of this information can be accessed by anyone if they only know who to look for.
Pick up a thing or two from these top motivational speakers on adulting:
Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo wants to help audiences create a business and life they love. What’s special about her content is that she takes the time to answer questions from viewers or attendees of her live events. She also provides action plans that are specific and doable, instead of the usual vague and feel-good instructions we hear from other speakers.
Joyce Pring
This top motivational speaker started to gain recognition in the Philippines with her podcast, “Adulting With Joyce Pring”. Here, she gives out advice to audiences and also provides tips to conquering certain scenarios that might be new to people in their tricky twenties. All in all, Joyce’s material is very original, casual, and precise, that listening to her feels like talking to a wise, older friend.
If you’re familiar with the likes of Lavendaire, then you will certainly enjoy watching muchelleb. Her aesthetically-pleasing videos are a treat for visual learners. Not to mention, her fondness for lists make muchelleb relatable to people with a knack for organization. On her channel, you’ll find topics on self-improvement, goal-setting, and creating an intentional life.
Rowena Tsai
There’s something about Rowena Tsai’s vlogs that is very calming and reassuring. She talks like an older sister whom you run to for help during tight times. So if you’re feeling disoriented, lost, and unorganized, you might find enlightenment in her easy-to-follow videos. Rowena mostly talks about productivity, self-care, and general life improvement tips.
Thomas Frank
If you like watching adulting videos with great production value and a little internet humor, Thomas Frank seems like a great fit for you. His videos on self-improvement, lifestyle, and productivity look like professionally-shot documentaries or online news videos.
Yes Theory
This YouTube channel might be the odd-one-out from this bunch because of its adventurous nature. Created in 2015 by Ammar Kandil, Thomas Brag, and Matt Dajer, Yes Theory basically follows these guys do the most absurd challenges— and they also try to get strangers to say yes. Their channel has inspired many to “seek discomfort” in their lives and put themselves out there.
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” – Annie Dillard
It’s true that adulting can be quite intimidating, which is why it’s okay to ask for help. With this list of top motivational speakers on the matter, hopefully, you’ll never have to be alone as you try to learn the ropes. Here’s another list of top motivational speakers on feminism!