70 Quotes on Changing Your Life & The Lives of Others

The mere thought of changing your life and the lives of others is a daunting and almost impossible task. It’s idealistic to think that everything can be changed within a span of minutes and once you’re on that uphill battle continuously struggling to get better day in and day out, you’ll feel that fuel within you sputter gradually leaving cinders.
It’s not an easy endeavor but most if not all still want to try. Here are 70 life-changing quotes that may resonate and empower you to look up and rekindle the flames no matter where you are currently in life.

“The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.”
― Stephen Richards
“The thing about being catapulted into a whole new life–or at least, shoved up so hard against someone else’s life that you might as well have your face pressed against their window–is that it forces you to rethink your idea of who you are. Or how you might seem to other people.”
― Jojo Moyes

“The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.”
― Stephen Richards
“Success comes from the inside out. In order to change what is on the outside, you must first change what is on the inside.”
― Idowu Koyenikan

“Once you embrace your value, talents and strengths, it neutralizes when others think less of you.”
― Rob Liano
“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
― Germany Kent

“Small shifts in your thinking, and small changes in your energy, can lead to massive alterations of your end result.”
― Kevin Michel
“If you want to turn your life you’re going to have to start making things happen and stop allowing things to happen to you”
― Kyra Davis
“Change is good only when you know yourself.”
― Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Change your vision to change your decisions.”
― Ari Gunzburg
“No matter how small you start, always dream big.”
― Stephen Richards
“That which causes us trials shall yield us triumph: and that which make our hearts ache shall fill us with gladness. The only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve: which could not happen unless we had commenced with error, ignorance, and imperfection. We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.”
― Albert Pike
“Some mistakes… just have greater consequences than others. But you don’t have to let that night be the thing that defines you.”
― Jojo Moyes
“All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits – practical, emotional, and intellectual – systematically organized for our weal or woe, and bearing us irresistibly toward our destiny, whatever the latter may be.” – William James”
― Charles Duhigg

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”
― Charles Duhigg
“Life is all about Re-Inventing Yourself, so that you can rejoice every moment, just un-learn and let-go of the past and no sooner you do it, you stay afresh and are born again!” ”
― Ramana Pemmaraju
“Books don’t change lives… People change lives… Sometimes, if you’re lucky, if you get the thing right, a book can say some important things and that’s all fine and good… but a book is just an artifact… a thing that sits on a desk or a shelf… People make the real difference… People and love…”
― Adam Rapp
“Focus on your followings, not followers.”
― Rahul Prasad Chaurasiya

“People who assume failure tend to have the failure.”
― Norman Vincent Peale
“Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned.”
― Charles Duhigg
“As people strengthened their willpower muscles in one part of their lives—in the gym, or a money management program—that strength spilled over into what they ate or how hard they worked. Once willpower became stronger, it touched everything.”
― Charles Duhigg

“The decision to change direction in life can be made in an instant, but the process of actually changing your mindset may take months or years.”
― Dr. Nathan Mellor
“The gift of knowledge is empowering. The gift of wisdom is life-changing.”
― Adrienne Posey
“If you want to do something that requires willpower—like going for a run after work—you have to conserve your willpower muscle during the day,”
― Charles Duhigg

“Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.”
― Steve Backley
“There are three types of people in this world. Firstly, there are people who make things happen. Then there are people who watch things happen. Lastly, there are people who ask, what happened? Which do you want to be?”
― Steve Backley

“Work on changing your circumstances not on fighting your circumstances.”
― T Jay Taylor
“Sometimes you have to change. Not out of choice, but out of necessity.”
― Abraham Schneersohn
“How easily lives change. One decision, made in a moment, and everything alters forever.”
― Cat Weatherill
“Don’t be afraid of new beginnings. Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness.”
― Billy Chapata
“Great jobs are made, not found.”
People often believe they have to make a dramatic change in their work in order to be more fulfilled, whether this means finding a new job or transitioning to a whole new career. Those may be the best options on occasion, but in most cases it’s important to start by maximizing the contributions you’re making within your current work.”
― Tom Rath
“When today is no different than yesterday and you haven’t taken any action to improve your tomorrow, then all your days continue to be yesterdays.”
― RJ Intindola

“I have a voice, I cannot remain silent.”
― Nurudeen Ushawu
“Life is like that…sometimes you have to peel off the bitterness in order to get to the part that is sweet.”
― Ken Poirot
“The real gift of today is somehow finding the me I knew ought to exist but has not.”
― Gary M. Douglas

“Compete like you cannot fail.”
― Steve Backley
“The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and the most effective as it will initiate the direction you have chosen.”
― Steve Backley
“Look for solutions, instead of being difficult; be more thoughtful, instead of allowing anger to burn you out. Look at things from a different perspective, embrace change, look out for opportunities and you will feel much more in control.”
― Steve Backley
“The demons you need to get rid of are inside. But they seem out there because you left the window open.”
― Gloria D. Gonsalves

“It is action that creates motivation.”
― Steve Backley
“In order to discover who you are within, you need to attune your visionary world deep in your sub-conscience to the outward world and live it.”
― Wayne Chirisa
“Comfortable? Don’t be. I believe in those moments where we grow comfortable is where we stop growing, and in order to keep evolving, God slips the rug from beneath our feet and makes us look up.”
― Christy Aldridge
“Share your aspirations only with those who will support you, not those who will respond with doubt or lack of interest.”
― Steve Backley
“Invest your energy in the things you can control.”
― Steve Backley

“Shift gears every once in awhile. You don’t have to stay stuck in first or neutral, both get you no where fast.”
― Christine E. Szymanski
“Take a moment or two for yourself, just reflect on your path and where it is leading you. If you are not happy with where it is heading, choose a new path.”
― Nyki Mack
“If you are happy with the person you are becoming, and you can understand that the journey is long and the processes are slow; you are on the right track no matter what your current situation is.”
― Joshua Lynott
“Instead of seeing the life you want to live in the distant future, just start living the life you want today. It is really that simple, and that challenging. The only one standing in your way is you.”
― John Bruna

“If you remain static and wait for success to come to you it will certainly not happen.”
― Steve Backley
“The challenge for you is to decide not what is important, but what is most important and then focus your attention on that.”
― Steve Backley
“Sometimes I return back to the state of mind I had as a child when I believed nothing was impossible.”
― Jonathan Harnisch
“Living for oneself, respecting our being is one of the most important code of anybody’s existence and a person who fails to justify his being fails to justify the society as well..”
― Tripta Arora

“Negative self assertions are like weeds in the garden of your life. Cleanse your garden of any such weeds.”
― Sanchita Pandey
“If you want to test how powerful your mind is, simply start thinking positively and see the results for yourself.”
― Maddy Malhotra
“Wisdom comes from making mistakes, having the courage to face them, and make adjustments moving forward based upon the knowledge aquired through those experiences.”
― Ken Poirot

“Each phase of the transformation process has distinct milestones, is progressive, and is not revisited.”
― Suzy Ross
“Nobody is really an expert, as we are all still learning.”
― Avis J. Williams
“Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place.”
― Suzy Ross
“Although you can’t go back in time and alter your natural level of potential, you can determine how much of that ability you tap into, exploit and develop for the future.”
― Steve Backley
“Be around people that make you want to be a better person, who make you feel good, make you laugh, and remind you what’s important in life.”
― Germany Kent

“Do you want to know what one of the secrets to achieving all of your goals is? You’ve got to be committed.”
― Steve Backley
“Go for it because for all those moments that you would make up your mind the other might have already rushed for it.”
― Neel Preet
“Focus on your work. Do what you’re great at. Don’t compare yourself to others and or waste time criticizing the lives and work of others. Do what matters most to you and make a difference doing that.”
― Germany Kent
“Not being “okay,” is a gift. And inside that gift, is the strength to change and the courage to begin again.”
― Kirstin Leigh

“Our life is all about personal choices we make. We choose the life we live.”
― Sanjeev Himachali
“For many, lack of achievement is more a consequence of fear of taking a chance and getting uncomfortable.”
― Steve Backley

“To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.”
― Stephen Richards
“That was the splendid thing about life: Though it was cruel, it was also mysterious, filled with wonder and surprise; sometimes the surprises were so amazing that they qualified as miraculous, and by witnessing those miracles, a despondent person could discover a reason to live, a cynic could obtain unexpected relief from ennui, and a profoundly wounded boy could find the will to heal himself and medicine for melancholy.”
― Dean Koontz
“Fate seems to be taking me in some even stranger directions.”
― Haruki Murakami

“One minute of sincere gratitude can wash away a lifetime’s disappointments.”
― Silvia Hartmann
Yes, changing one’s life is no easy feat but by the mere act of seeking these words from diverse wise people is already a huge step towards your journey. The important part here is that you are already starting. Take another step forward, be consistent, take a rest when you need it, and one day when you look back you’ve gone far beyond what you initially imagined.