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How To Get Your Life In Order For 2021



how to get your life in order

2020 was a chaotic year for everyone, and we know you’re eager to learn how to get your life in order again. Progress is non-linear, so resetting your life will admittedly take time. Thankfully, the new year offers us 365 unique days to work on moving forward and becoming better.

Make each day of 2021 count with these helpful tips:

Reset your digital spaces
Transactions and interactions have gradually moved to virtual settings with the outbreak of COVID-19. On top of that, everyone already has a stack of existing digital footprint.

Now that virtual workplaces are used more than your previous physical ones, it is important to keep it just as clean and organized so that it serves your productivity better.

Start by sorting through e-mails, deleting unnecessary files from your Desktop, and removing distracting or unused apps from your phone. You can even take it to another level by clearing out your social media following and followers. Generally, let go of what doesn’t serve you. Lifestyle vlogger muchelleb suggests other ways on how to organize our digital spaces in this video.


Organization gives your life structure, so begin by putting things in their proper places. By doing so, you’re saving your future self time and energy that would otherwise be wasted on looking for discarded items. Donate belongings you’ve outgrown but might be beneficial to others and throw away excess junk.

In recent years, the KonMari method in decluttering has become popular, so you might want to check it out.


Create a system that works best for you
Regardless of what your goal in life is, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.

When you create a personalized system, you are investing in habits that will help you achieve a certain goal. In one of Rowena Tsai’s most popular YouTube videos, she explains why and how we should create systems over goals. Ultimately, systems done on a regular basis yield happiness and better results in the long run.


Practice better self-care habits
One of the easiest ways on how to get your life in order starts with taking better care of yourself. Learning how to exercise, eat right, and take a breather when necessary all contribute to a healthier mind and body.

Building self-care habits will prevent you from probable burnout in the long run, so it’s really a good investment.

Know your purpose
Most of us become fixated with goals and productivity but end up being aimless because we focus more on getting things done rather than knowing why we do them. Actions become clearer when you know your intentions, so make it a habit to ask yourself: why? This way, you’ll have a better sense of direction out of life.

Put in the work
No matter how much you research ways on how to get your life in order, it will not be effective unless you take action. Now that you’ve spent time reflecting and planning for what lies ahead, use all that you’ve learned in order to set things in motion.

Remember that dreams won’t work unless you do. What’s important is that you start somewhere as soon as you can so that you can track your progress. Have faith in yourself because greater things await you! Read more motivational stories here!

I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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