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Top 7 Ways to Improve Your Game in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has created a huge buzz among gameaholics. Gamers love the satisfaction that comes after finishing a campaign successfully, wiping off enemies, and winning group matches.

However, getting closer to victory or coming out victorious isn’t cakewalk. You need real skills and continuous practice to win this game, which is why a guide like this can be your real rescuer. Whether you are playing this game for some time or just entering the warzone premises, there is always room for development.

Additionally, to win games like this, you might want to use some Modern Warfare cheats. They will give you an upper edge in the game. Now without any delay, let’s dive in and learn the top seven hacks to improve your game in COD: Modern Warfare.

Be cautious while moving

Moving from one spot to another is extremely dangerous in Modern Warfare. At every moment, you have to keep your eyes and ears open if you want to escape through the firing lanes.

Also, you might feel like sprinting through the open fields. Hold on, as such a move can cost you your life. Instead, move slowly and take cover. Whatever cover you can find, make use of it to not get spotted and killed.

Pick your favorite weapon

Modern Warfare comes with numerous options for guns. Picking a weapon that suits you the most might be confusing in such a wide availability. Therefore, you should take advantage of camping as it is a great place to try out different weapons.

Practice with multiple guns and see which one matches your playing style the most, and pick a couple of them accordingly. You will see different guns scattered across the map, which you can pick up throughout the game.

Modern Warfare allows you to reload while aiming

In a brutal game like this, keeping a close eye on the enemies becomes paramount. Whenever you see any suspicious movement or feel the danger, you should communicate it directly to your teammates.

One of the new features in Modern Warfare is you can reload while aiming. This is great to keep your aim focused on advancing enemies while you reload.

Use doors and windows to your advantage

Your foes will most certainly make the mistake of sprinting through the doors and windows. Also, when the enemies kick the doors open, it makes a loud noise giving you the hint of their arrival.

Use these enemy movements to your advantage. Keep your aim fixed and shoot away whenever an enemy sprints through the doors and windows. Also, use the holes and gaps of doors and windows to aim through them and get some kills.

Use the ping system

The ping system can be a lifesaver in COD: Modern Warfare. It will help you stay in touch with your teammates and notify them about important things. For example, if you see an enemy approaching your teammate, you can warn them by double-tapping the ping.

Additionally, the ping system helps you notify your squadmates about loots, enemy location, and the like.

Complete contract tasks every now and then

Contracts are a new addition to this game and are an easy way to make money. In contract tasks, you will get different challenges like collecting loot boxes, killing specific enemies, etc.

When you complete a certain task, you are rewarded with extra money. Even if you are not able to win a particular task, you will still get important insights about loot and enemy locations through them.

Always keep yourself shielded

In Modern Warfare, shields are not special armors or helmets you wear in other Battle Royale games. Here shields are like armor plates that you have to wear under the uniform.

You can apply up to three plates to bring up your health pool. Each player should keep at least five plates in case any teammate with a low health pool might need them.


These are the top 7 ways you can improve your game in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Make sure to give these hacks a thorough read before you start playing your next game. If you want to know anything more about Modern Warfare, let us know in the comments. For more such posts, stay tuned!


I'm Nikos Alepidis, blogger at motivirus. I'm passioned for all things related to motivation & personal development. My goal is to help and inspire people to become better.

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