Nickolas Robert Diaz, popularly known as Nick Diaz, is a former American Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Artist and a promoter. During his youth, he competed in...
As one of America’s best method actors, Joaquin Phoenix is also an activist and producer. He has received several prestigious awards, including three Academy Awards nominations,...
John Deere was an American blacksmith and the founder of Deere&Company, which is one of the leading manufacturers of construction and agricultural equipment in the world....
John Pierpont Morgan was America’s most influential banker and financier who ruled the corporate finance on Wall Street during the Gilded Age. He was the head...
Milton Hershey was an American philanthropist, confectioner, and a businessman. Hershey is also called ‘the builder, and ‘chocolate king,’ best known as the founder of Hershey...
Nick Rivera Caminero, or Nicky Jamis, a well known American singer and songwriter. Rivera revealed that the name Nicky Jam was given to him by a...
Prince Royce, whose real name is Geoffrey Royce Rojas, is a popular American songwriter and singer. Royce got involved with music at a very early age...
Joe Dispenza is an educator, researcher, author, corporate consultant, and an international lecturer. He has spoken in over 33 countries around the world, which have changed...
Although canoes are primarily used for transportation on water bodies, they relate very closely to human life, whether it is a relationship, a certain stage in...
Motivation is essential in stewarding a student’s purpose well – not just for himself but also for the sake of others (especially his family). Motivation is...