Esther Perel is a world renowned psychotherapist most well known for her work exploring the tension between people’s need for security and need for freedom. Her...
BossBabe, the organization of an online blog website that is known for its ways of uplifting women who are entrepreneurs or just regular business women in...
Ronnie Coleman is an American professional bodybuilder. Born on May 13, 1964, he has inspired numerous others with this long list of accomplishments. He was won...
Jordan Peterson is a psychologist from Canada who is very well known for his knowledge as well as for the various meaningful quotes that he has...
Wim Hof, also known as “The Iceman”, has earned a reputation for his uncanny ability to withstand extreme cold. His proprietary Wim Hof Method is based...
Jocko Willink is best known for his service in the United States military as a Navy SEAL. He also has a podcast and has written numerous...
Elliott Hulse is a professional strongman and strength coach. He has a popular YouTube channel called Elliot Hulse’s Strength Camp with millions of subscribers. There is...
David Goggins is an American ultramarathon runner and triathlete who once held the record for the most pull-ups ever done within a 24 hour period. He...
Born Christopher Wallace, Biggie Smalls is an American rap artist who was murdered in 1997 at the age of 24 in Los Angeles. He was born...
Born in 1916, Ferruccio Lamborghini is an Italian industrialist whose parents were grape farmers in Renazzo. He was responsible for founding a company that manufactured tractors...